Monday, March 23, 2015

Movie Monday - Half Past Autumn Part 3 and 4

  1. What is your definition of successful? Being happy and earning a living doing what I love.
  2. What have you given up to become successful? I have lost multiple opportunities in order to do what I have to do in order to become successful and reach my goal.
  3. What did Parks give up to become successful? He gave up his family and wife.
  4. Who was Genevieve Young's father? He was UN.
  5. How much was Parks advanced to write his first book (and eventual best-selling autobiography)? $10,000
  6. How much money did Elijah Muhammad offer Parks to do a story on The Nation of Islam? $500,00
  7. Why did Parks refuse the money? he thought that Elijah was going to try to influence him and didn't want to represent something he didn't believe in. 
  8. What was significant about the movie The Learning Tree? it was the first major movie production 
  9. What was significant about the character Shaft? Shaft was a black superhero. 
  10. What was Gordon Parks' choice of weapons? 35mm camera 
  11. What reason did Genevieve Young give for the divorce? They divorced due to the turmoil that he was in.
  12. In 1984, Parks directed Solomon Northrup's Odyssey. What recent feature film told the same story? 12 years a slave
  13. Who was Gordon Parks jr? Gordon Parks Jr. was his son.
  14. What is your favorite Gordon Parks photo? American Gothic 
  15. What will you remember about Gordon Parks in ten years? His dedication to achieve his idea of success